Run And Hops Hangout: Mak Foss, Grd. Rapids, MI

Our first Hangout profile hails from Michigan, with impressive credentials that include numerous marathons and an affinity for fruit-infused NA beers.

Name: Mak Foss

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

How did you get started in running?

I started running in October 2021. As a former collegiate cheerleader, I thrive on having goals to achieve. After college, I spent a lot of time searching for something to fill the gap that sports had left in my life. I explored bodybuilding, fitness classes, and even acrobatics. One day, I saw a post online for a women’s-only trail running club and thought, why not? I decided to join and met a runner who had just completed the Chicago Marathon. She was beaming with pride and joy as she shared her experience. Inspired by her enthusiasm, I left that four-mile run determined to run a marathon myself. A month later, I signed up for my first marathon, and that’s when my true journey into running began.

What is your favorite part about the sport?

It's hard to pick a favorite part about the sport. I'm torn between the community it has brought into my life and the ability to compete against myself. 

I know that these are a bit contradictory as I love the aspect in which I can compete as a runner solely against my PRs and my goals, yet I also love that it provides me with a community to train with and be inspired by. 

Best race memory?

Core memory for sure is my last marathon (Carmel Marathon); when I was rounding the corner to the finish line and on my right I saw my family going crazy, and then on the left was my entire team (the Society Track Club) screaming at the top of their lungs for me. I came in at my goal and I was just so overwhelmed with pride, but also with emotions and love for my people. 

What race(s) are you currently training for?

I am currently having a summer of speed trying to improve my 5k time and preparing to go into a marathon training cycle for CIM (California International Marathon) which is in December. 

Favorite piece of running gear, and why.

My favorite piece of running gear would have to be either my SPIBELT or my Nathan soft flask handheld bottle. Those both come with me on every run. I put a lot of emphasis on fueling and hydration during runs and couldn't adequately do so without them. I also travel a lot so running with my phone adds safety when I'm in a new place, and keeping it in my belt is easy. 

Favorite non-alcoholic beer/beverage ?

We have a really awesome non-alcoholic beverage store near us called More or Less where we can build our own 6 packs , grab alcohol-removed wines and spirits, and test N/A drinks. 
I almost never leave without one of the Ripe Pursuit Lemon Radlers by Athletic Brewing, or a New School Sour Berry by Go Brewing. 


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