IRL Nation

Share The Love. Get Free Stuff.

IRL Nation (In Real Life!) is a new sampler network pairing great food & beverage brands with great people ready to share them with their communities, or even just to sample for themselves. Signing up is free, you can leave at any time, and with a focus on real-life interactions, there’s no requirement for a social media following. Take the latest brands to run club, the yoga studio, or your next dinner party and revel in the awesomeness of sharing craft curations with friends and community, and finding new favorites.

Solo Sampler (one) versus Group Sampler (many)

STEP #1 - Join IRL Nation!

Sign up to join our platform, and tell us what groups or clubs you may be able to help share samples with (optional). There’s no cost or obligation, ever, and you can withdraw at any time.

STEP #2 - Get Selected

‘Solo’ Sampler (just signing up to receive samples for yourself)

When a brand is interested we’ll share your info (physical address) for them to ship directly, sending you a heads-up via email to be on the lookout.

‘Group’ Sampler (signing up to share samples with a club or group)

We’ll notify you via email that a brand is interested. If you accept the offer, we’ll share both your email and physical address so they can ship samples and communicate with you directly.

STEP #3 - Wait For Awesomeness

Once your goodies arrive, get ready to sample some deliciousness, and perhaps find your next new favorite!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I need to have social media accounts or a minimum number of followers to join?

Nope! This platform is all about getting samples in hands, in real life. That said, unless you have heard otherwise from a brand, you are certainly encouraged to share your sampling experiences in social media as you wish.

Can I sign-up even if I just want to sample for myself?

Yes! Some brands may have a preference to work with those planning to share with a club or others, but self-samplers are also highly encouraged to join.

Once I tell a brand I’ll hand out samples with my club or group, or for myself, am I legally bound to do so?

Well, technically no. However, as IRL Nation is a community aimed at matching great new brands (many of whom are small businesses) with those excited to sample and share, we do ask that to stay in the platform you make every effort to fulfill your end of the bargain. We reserve the right to remove anyone who isn’t doing that. As the brands are taking on all the expense of shipping, etc. we want to make sure this is fair to everyone involved.

How and when is my information shared with brands?

Great question! If you are a solo-sampler and sign up for the platform, whenever a brand that meets your criteria has requested samplers for products you’re interested in (e.g. NA wine), you may be picked to be included. When that happens, we’ll provide your mailing address, and send you an email giving you a heads-up to expect a shipment.

If you are sampling with a club or group, and your entered criteria meets what a brand is looking for; BEFORE we share anything, an email is sent to you to confirm your interest, along with specifics. Since those sampling opportunities will involve larger shipments, we want to make sure everyone is on the same page first. Once you confirm, then your mailing and email address will be shared with the brand for shipment and coordination.

How many brands can I work with?

There is no limit on the number of brands you can work with.

Ok, I’m in! Where’s the legal-ese?

All participants and brands involved in IRL Nation are governed by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.