Season 2, Ep. 1: Laurel Harrop, Busty Lush
With a stylish icon adorning each of their cans, Busty Lush has brought a sense of design and personality to the NA category from the jump.
Entrepreneurial from a young age, Busty Lush founder Laurel Harrop has always been open to trying something new. Little did she know when starting a successful lighting recycling business that her next venture would involve creating a stylish icon of the non-alcoholic drinking movement. In our conversation, we talk with Laurel about a number of topics related to Busty Lush's first four years in business, including:
What drew her into the NA category initially.
Why being female-driven, owned and operated was so important to her.
How the brand's personality and uniqueness has been critical to competing alongside larger players.
What's next for Busty Lush, both on the shelf and behind the scenes.
What new channels Laurel is trying to push the brand into in 2025.
Mentioned in this episode:
Busty Lush
Chambers Austelle