REVIEW: Hilfens HopHit Hop Oil

Hilfens (Atlanta, GA) HopHit Beverage Infusion Hop Oil

Where’d We Find It: Sample provided by the brand.

ABV: 0.0%

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Our N/ATION Review:

First off, Hilfens HopHit is a unique offering in the non-alcoholic space that defies traditional categorization. Is it a base for hop water? A spirit mixer? The core ingredient in a simple sparkling drink with a dash of bitters or fruit? The reality is HopHit is all of those things, and its Swiss Army like applications make it an attractive prospect for your home non-alcoholic bar.

At its core, HopHit is an all-natural hop oil that adds layers of complexity and bite to virtually any drink. We first used it to make our own hop water, combining about one ounce with a can of some flavorless sparkling water, the brand’s fundamental raison d'etre. What we loved about this function is the ability to turn the dial on the potency of this refreshing drink for a custom taste, while potentially saving money versus buying the finished product. Want something a little more subtle? Use closer to a half ounce of HopHit. Going for something more rich and piney? Dial it up to 1.5 or more ounces for greater intensity in the flavor. Personally, we frequently opted to combine it with another Swiss Army knife of the NA world, All The Bitter, for an even more elevated experience.

While the most obvious application may be a hoppy beverage like a hop water, there is much to love about the product even if you’re not a hophead. HopHit can shape shift into many roles, and their website includes suggestions that involve it complementing many beverages both with and without alcohol. Our favorite recommendations include the Cucumber Basil Gin Fizz (a sophisticated cocktail/mocktail if we ever saw one), Hoppy Occasion Lavender/Berry (champagne lunch vibes), or the Morning Hoprise (a hoppy twist on a classic mimosa). The possibilities are endless.

As for where you can find HopHit in the wild, your best bet is to purchase through their website, or if in the Atlanta area (as of January, 2025), in-person at select outlets.


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