REVIEW: Visitor N/A Lager Near Beer

Visitor (Potosi, WI) N/A Lager Near Beer

Where’d We Find It: The Zero Co. AF Bottle Shop (Atlanta, GA)

ABV: < 0.5%

Hometown: Potosi, WI

Our N/ATION Review:

Visitor is another in a line of N/As with a bit of mystery surrounding it. What style of N/A beer is it? Kolsch? Pilsner? Pale Ale? While their website confirms that it is, in fact, actually a Lager, Visitor’s utilitarian can describes itself simply as a near beer. Fair enough. It also hails from Petosi, WI, just a stone’s throw from the Iowa border, and in the same state as N/A stalwarts that include Untitled Arts and Busty Lush.

Out first impressions include a slightly more golden color than we otherwise might have expected. After all, packaged in a silver, minimalist can gives off more of a kolsch or lite beer vibe. But from the jump, this little Visitor shows us it’s got a bit more oomph than maybe we initially gave it credit for. Once we dove in, we admittedly needed a couple of sips to really settle in on the flavor. As we did, the subtlety of this beer is what really stood out in our minds. Subtle malts, bits of hoppyness, but no bitterness in the finish whatsoever. If you’re planning to drink a few in a row, or perhaps after a bike ride on a warm day, this one will likely hit the spot perfectly. Just don’t try and define it, okay?

Available nationwide in various outlets, including Tar-zhay (Target to some).


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